First-generation, transfer student writes her own story at Pacific

Wajiha Tahir ' 20, who graduated this month with a bachelor’s in business administration with a concentration in marketing, will be moving to San Francisco to start her job as a financial product analyst for Bloomberg.

Wajiha Tahir ' 20 knew early on she had made the right choice to attend 正规博彩十大网站.

“I noticed people were leaving their classes and I noticed how approachable the professors looked,塔希尔说。 on a visit with a counselor from Pacific’s Eberhardt School of Business. “That’s when I realized I wanted to go to a school where there were professors I could learn from and have genuine conversations with. That day walking around Pacific’s 斯托克顿校区 felt like home to me. Strangers looked up and said ‘Hi’ and it was just a very heartwarming feeling for me. I definitely made the right choice in choosing Pacific. 我带走了这里太多的回忆.”

Tahir, a transfer student from San Joaquin Delta Community College, came to Pacific as part of the 社区参与计划, a comprehensive need-based scholarship and retention program for first-generation college students from the Stockton area who have demonstrated the potential for sustainable leadership, 社区的意识和参与.

“社区参与计划 is my second family,” she said. “Every person in the program is so genuine and interested in helping each other out. The program offers so much more than a scholarship. I learned so much about the community, social justice, equity and about myself.”

She said that as a first-generation college student she at first felt responsible for learning everything on her own and being her own mentor. But as part of CIP she found mentors in Allison Dumas, 学生生活’s associate vice president for student involvement and equity and former CIP director, 和科瑞·琼斯, CIP协调员.

“It was like I finally found answers to all my questions,塔希尔说。, who graduated this month with a bachelor’s in business administration with a concentration in marketing. In mid-July she will be moving to San Francisco to start her job as a financial product analyst for Bloomberg.

She said the advice she would give herself entering Pacific would be to “leave fear at the door and try everything,这就是她所做的. 除了CIP的社区参与义务, 她兼职做市场营销, served as the chief of marketing officer and chief of investments officer for Eberhardt’s Student Investment Fund, an experiential learning opportunity in which students manage a real-money investment portfolio nearing $3.7 million, and was also in the Muslim Student Association.

She also helped to form the Pacific Society of Women in Business.

“This organization was founded upon the realization that there was no organization on campus that exists to help women succeed in the workplace,塔希尔说。 of Pacific Society of Women in Business. “We wanted to create an environment where we could have open and honest discussions with women and the issues they face in the workplace. We also wanted to give women the necessary tools to be successful in their professional and personal lives.”

Tahir was doing for others what Pacific has done for her.

“One of the most special things about Pacific is how they want us to find our purpose,塔希尔说。. “I really appreciated the fact that I was writing my own destiny here. I was able to join so many organizations, start one, jump around concentrations and make memories. I didn’t feel like my university experience was suffocating, 而不是, 在太平洋,我可以自由地写自己的故事.”

She also appreciated the student-centered approach.

“I loved how I wasn’t just a number at Pacific,” Tahir said. “People recognized me from multiple spotlights and accomplishments I’ve had. Pacific made me realize that I have this amazing voice and story and people actually want to listen to me. I’m leaving Pacific as a much more confidant woman than I’ve ever been.”

She spoke of these things and how she was able to practice and celebrate her Muslim faith while at Pacific when she spoke during the virtual 2020年跨宗教学士学位服务. (她在12:28开始出现.)

There is no getting around how disruptive the COVID-19 pandemic has been and Tahir was “hurt” that in-person commencement ceremonies were postponed. It meant she could not give her parents Tahir Mehmood and Fehmida Bibi that moment to acknowledge the sacrifices they made in immigrating to the United States from Pakistan in 2007 to give their family a better life. But she appreciates a lesson from the circumstances.

“I think this situation and Pacific taught me that I can adapt to any change the world throws at me,塔希尔说。. “I’m amazed at how well my professors shifted everything to virtual learning. 好像什么都没有改变. I want to continue this ability to adapt to my circumstances.”