麦乔治法学院(麦克乔治法学院)的模拟法庭项目排名第一. 在全国

弗朗西亚Orduño ' 24

Moot court team member 弗朗西亚Orduño ' 24 was named one of the top 10 oralists at a regional competition.

正规博彩十大网站麦乔治法学院 模拟法庭程序 完成了没有. 在全国 for the 2023-24 school year, according to 由布莱克利倡导研究所发布的排名 在休斯顿大学法律中心工作. Among the 18 American Bar Association-approved schools in California, McGeorge finished second. 

该课程在排名中上升了5位 去年的排名. 14日完成.

“McGeorge’s 模拟法庭程序 is consistently ranked among the best in the nation, which affirms the high caliber of the program and our students. I am proud of our students for their dedication and hard work this year,” said Professor Ed Telfeyan, 联合主任 Eglet倡导中心 & 争议解决.

Teams of 麦克乔治法学院 students competed in 14 competitions throughout the academic year in 11 cities across the country. The students earned 18 awards for brief writing and oral advocacy.

Of the 197 ABA-approved law schools throughout the country, only 101 law schools have active 模拟法庭程序s and earned points to be included in the ranking system by the Blakely Advocacy Institute this year.

模拟法庭模拟了法庭的气氛, providing law students with a platform to apply their knowledge by drafting briefs and presenting oral arguments before a panel of judges.

American Bar Association National Appellate Advocacy Competition

At the American Bar Association’s National Appellate Advocacy Competition, McGeorge teams tied for third and 15th place in Philadelphia April 4-6. 24岁的艾娃·萨顿(Ava Sutton)和24岁的摩根·格雷伯(Morgan Graber)获得了冠军. 2 Best Brief in the competition out of 178 briefs submitted. Sutton was also named one of the top five oralists out of 202 competitors.

The McGeorge teams were two of the four teams selected to advance to the national round of the competition after 赢得最后几轮地区比赛 2月在旧金山. 3月29日2. 在地区比赛中, 法兰克队Orduño ' 24, Alex Leshnick ’24 and Dani Fatta Diele ’24 was awarded the prize for the Best Brief. Orduño was also named one of the top 10 oralists at the regional competition.

这些球队的教练是 Dan Croxall教授,2008年, Maricar Pascual ’16, Paige Davidson ’19 and Katherine Pollack ’24. Marino Dominguez ’25 was the re搜索 assistant for the teams.

The members of 麦克乔治法学院's 2023-24 moot court team

The members of 麦克乔治法学院's 2023-24 moot court team.

Saul Lefkowitz模拟法庭竞赛

斯旺森团队, Stephen Ribet ’24 and Daniel Perle ’24 placed second in the regional rounds of the Saul Lefkowitz模拟法庭竞赛 in San Francisco. The team earned best oralist team at the regional round of the competition. The Lefkowitz competition is widely recognized as the most prestigious intellectual property competition in the country.

Swanson, Ribet, and Perle also competed in the competition's national finals in Washington, D.C. Out of the 12 teams that advanced to the national finals, 麦克乔治被授予最佳演讲小组第二名.

罗杰·J. Traynor加州上诉模拟法庭竞赛

麦克乔治在第55届年度罗杰J. Traynor加州上诉模拟法庭竞赛 April 13-14. The team of Hannah Nguyen ’24 and Winnie Ellerman ’25 advanced to the final round of the competition, 获得第二名和第二最佳简报. Nguyen also earned an individual merit award for oral argument.


Sutton and Morgan Gross ’24 competed in the 芝加哥律师协会模拟法庭竞赛 in Chicago 11月. 16胜18负,在30支队伍中并列第三. 该团队获得了最佳答辩摘要.


Two 麦克乔治法学院 moot court teams advanced to the semi-final round of the 退伍军人全国模拟法庭锦标赛 in Washington, D.C. 11月. 4-5. The team of Joshua Jendian ’24 and Tara Swanson ’24 received Best Petitioner’s Brief, 斯旺森获得了最佳演说家第二名. The team of Leshnick and Diele Fatta received the second-place award for Respondent’s Brief.


在加州大学洛杉矶分校威廉姆斯学院模拟法庭比赛中, the team of Matt Munoz ’25 and Sharon Witkin ’25 won three straight rounds to advance to the semi-final round of the competition in Los Angeles on April 5.

勒罗伊R. Hassell老. 全国宪法模拟法庭竞赛

Amanda Stone ’24 and Jensen Blaine ’25 were semi-finalists at the 23rd Annual 勒罗伊R. Hassell老. 全国宪法模拟法庭竞赛 in Virginia Beach, Virginia 11月. 17-18.

加州大学戴维斯分校收容所 & 难民法全国模拟法庭竞赛

McGeorge sent two teams to the 17th Annual 加州大学戴维斯分校收容所 & 难民法全国模拟法庭竞赛 in Davis March 15-16. Alexis Martinez ’24 and Zachary Jayousi ’24 made it to the quarterfinal round of the competition and won Best Brief. Jayousi还获得了最佳口语奖. Nikki Kuklo ’24 and Kaila Fayne ’24 made it to the semifinals and won third Best Brief.

Additional results from the moot court competition season include:

  • At the recent Appellate 法律yers Association Moot Court Competition in Chicago 11月. 3-4, 格雷伯和波拉克进入了半决赛, 排在第三, and were awarded the second-best brief of the competition.
  • Kelsey Thweatt, 24岁, Allison Formoso ’24 and Fernando Almaraz ’24 advanced to the quarterfinal round during the National Moot Court Competition’s regional competition in New York on 11月. 10-11.
  • 24岁的金德尔·巴纳莱斯和格罗斯参加了罗伯特F. Wagner National Labor and Employment 法律 Moot Court Competition earlier this spring in New York March 1-3. The team made it to the octo-finals and placed in the top four briefs out of 40.
  • Witkin and Munoz received the third Best Petitioner’s Brief award at the National Entertainment 法律 Moot Court Competition in Malibu 11月. 10-11.

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